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엘크산의 큰 나무들이?

by 산꽃피는캐나다 2007. 5. 3.

이글은 엘크산의 나무잘르는것을 반대하는데 동조한 글입니다저의 캐나다이름은 유니


Grozier, Kerry FOR:EX

RE: please ! save trees


Thanks for taking the time to write and express your concerns, I will pass these onto the Woodlot Licensee and the Ministry of Toursim, Sports and Arts who carry the responsibility for managing trails on crown land. The mandate of the Ministry of Forests and Range is to integrate forest resource uses. We have been successful in the past in finding suitable options and I beleive that there are options for Elk Thurston to manage the attributes of the trail and still provide for some level of harvest. I would encourage you to look at the current facts surrounding the Woodlot License 84 and Elk Thurston currently on our Web Site at


link Branches/Regions/Districts then link to Chilliwack.

I will pass on your comments to the woodlot licensee and the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Sports.


Thanks again for your note.


From: Yuni Sent: April 26, 2007 2:42 PM
To: Grozier, Kerry FOR:EX
Subject: please ! save trees

Dear I am sending you this letter to voice my strong opposition to the proposed logging in woodlot 0084 near the Elk Mountain/Mt. Thurston trail.  This trail is unique in the Chilliwack area in that it offers relatively easy access to a wonderful, sub-alpine ridge hike that can be extended all the way to Mt. Mercer, some 15km one way from the trailhead. on the way up to the meadows, the trail climbs through some of the most enchanting, pristine forest to be found in the Upper Fraser Valley. This trail remains popular throughout the year as many continue to hike up to the summit of Elk Mountain even throughout the winter. It has also seen an increase of usage among schools for field trips due to its scenery and ease of access by school buses. This trail also offers an excellent cross-section of the local common species of coniferous trees.  The Elk Mountain trail is one of the most popular hiking trails in the Fraser Valley. When BC Forest Service Recreation used to do user-surveys on trails, more than 15 years ago, it showed in excess of six thousand visits per year: and many people do not take the time to fill in a form before they start up the trail! Therefore six thousand is probably a conservative number. Added to that is the increase in population in the Valley & the increased interest in outdoor recreation. It is my opinion that the current logging proposal which includes building an access road over part of the existing trail and establishing clear cuts in the immediate vicinity of the trail is completely unacceptable.  There should be no logging operations allowed near the trail at all.  The trail is too important of an asset to all of us.  I would ask that you please give this letter careful consideration and act now before it's too late to stop this logging proposal.  Thank you. Sincerely,   yun lee( 17 years weekly hiker)