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노래 , 기타치기, 하와이춤, 모임

기타노래 케세라세라

by 산꽃피는캐나다 2015. 2. 23.

여름내내 정원에서 

  사람들을 즐겁게 해 주는꽃



햇 빛이 눈부시게 쏘다지는


구슬같은 옛노래



que sera sera

when i was just a little girl

i asked  my mother

what will i be

will i be pretty

will i be rich

heres what she said to me

que sera sera

what ever will be will be

the futurs not ours to see

que sera sera

when i grew up and fell in love

i asked my sweet heart

what lies ahead

will we have rainbows

day after day

heres my sweet heart said

que sera sera

what ever will be will be

the futurs not ours to see

que sera sera

now i have children of my own

they ask their mother

what will i be 

will i be handsome

will i be rich

i tell them frenderly

que sera sera

what ever will be will be

the futurs not ours to see

que sera sera

 by doris day