Elk Mountain
by 산꽃피는캐나다
2007. 6. 15.

엘크산 나무 자르는 문제로 보냈던 저의 이메일에 대한 답장입니다.
Minister's Correspondence TSA:EX [TSA.4.Minister@gov.bc.ca]
15817 Lee RE: Elk Mountain Trailf: 15817
Dear Yun Lee:
Thank you for writing to express your concern over the potential impact of proposed logging in the Elk Mountain Trail area. I apologize for the delay in responding.
The Elk Mountain Trail is not a legally established trail under British Columbia legislation and does not have established management objectives that a tenure holder must adhere to, even though the Ministry of Forests and Range (MFR) has provided some management of the trail in the past. The Woodlot operator, Ch-ihl-kway-uhk Forest Ltd., is aware of the trail’s high profile, and is willing to work with the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts (MTSA), and MFR, to minimize impacts from the harvesting. I encourage you to send your concerns to Mr. Matt Wealick, Ch-ihl-kway-uhk Forest Ltd., Unit #29 - 6014 Vedder Road, Chilliwack, BC V2R 5M4.
Since a large number of trails in the Chilliwack district have not been formally established under legislation, MTSA is initiating development of an overall district strategy for trail management that may result in the establishment of objectives for important trails such as the Elk Mountain Trail. Trail users will play a role in the development of the strategy as one of the advisory bodies. In the meantime, MTSA staff will hold further discussions with MFR and Ch-ihl-kway-uhk Forest Ltd. to continue to seek workable solutions to this issue.
Thank you for your email.
Stanley B. Hagen
Minister of Tourism, Sport and the Arts