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노래 , 기타치기, 하와이춤, 모임

노래~하와이안 sunset

by 산꽃피는캐나다 2015. 4. 6.

 사진 하와이 마우이에서

hawaiian sunset

hawaiian sunset

peeping from the sea

smiles and says aloha

to his sweet heart hawaii

the drowsy islands

slumber one by one

close there sleepy eyelids

say good night to the sun

then hawaii

like millions of times before

blossoms in her lovers arms

ones more

too soon the sunrise

will wake her

from he sleep

so untill tomorrow

sleep hawaii sleep

so untill tomorrow

sleep hawaii sleep

words&music by sid tepper ~ reybennett

song by lvis presley

2012년 마우이에서

2015년 4월5일


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